Mission statement

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Our Mission:

We encourage and support partnerships for the sustainable development of alternative forms of tourism at a regional and local level in order to preserve our natural, cultural and historical heritage and help Bulgaria become a better place for living and doing business.

Objectives and Activities

BAAT’s objectives:

  1. helping its members and supporting their interests on national, regional and local level
  2. preservation and sustainable use of Bulgarian nature, cultural and historical heritage
  3. providing knowledge and information and supporting the alternative forms of tourism in Bulgaria by means of creating employment and sustainable tourism development in the country
  4. improving the standard of professional qualification in the sphere of alternative tourism
  5. positioning Bulgaria as an important European destination for alternative tourism

BAAT’s activities:

  1. За осъществяване на своите цели Сдружението използва следните средства:
    1. coordinates interests, actions and activities of authorities, organizations and companies, all of them related to development of alternative types of tourism;
    2. ensures co-ordination between the development and sales of the tourist products of relevant types of alternative tourism;
    3. ensures effective interaction between financing, sales, advertising and development of alternative types of tourism;
    4. ensures legal, consultative and technical support of its members;
    5. realizes the connection with public authorities responsible for tourism and represents its members;
    6. carries out surveys and analysis, gives expert evaluations and develops studies, strategies and projects applying for national and international financing;
    7. develops projects and recommendations in the field of tourism legislation;
    8. develops and maintains an up-to-date Internet product for presenting its members;
    9. coordinates carrying common initiatives together with other tourism associations;
    10. organizes participations in international and national meetings and exhibitions
    11. mediates for the voluntary settling of disputes in which a member of the Association is involved, as well as for non-admission of disloyal competition;
    12. works for the protection of tourism consumer interests and tourist products and services with alternative tourism character;
    13. coordinates common initiatives with financial, insurance and pension funds.
  2. The Association carries out supplementary business activities for fulfilling its goals, which should be relevant to the Associations` main goals.
    1. carries out consulting, marketing and publishing activities;
    2. provides training through educational and professional qualification courses;
    3. organizes participation in international and national meetings and exhibitions.

We welcome and encourage offers for partnership with other organizations and institutions with similar interests and objectives.